Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beth Moore Daniel Study - Week Three

So are you hanging in there?! I am, but can I say that this past week has been a saving grace for me. It has been a rough week in some ways and I've had a lot throw at me, but my spirit man is strong and I am running to God and not self. Last week's "AH HA" moment for me is summed up by the caption from Day 3 ~ "The Answer to Urgent Prayer Calls for Urgent Praise". And let the church say AMEN! Praise was an overflowing source of strength and I choose to praise him no matter what. I am pulling out of Babylon little by little. My flesh doesn't like it, but greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world.

Keep going ladies! Don't give up! It's quality, not quantity that counts.

Links to Video for Week Three~,2725,I%253D1415852383%2526M%253D200865%2526N%253Dvideos,00.html

Comment from Imogene
pg. 51
"What clue does 1 Peter 5:6 offer to our quest for significance?"
I feel that I need to cast all my cares and anxiety on him because he cares for me. Sometimes this is so hard to remember in the rat race of this life and all the anxiety that we have as moms, wives, caretakers, etc. There is a great song below to follow up on this verse.

Babble on in Babylon

Brimming closets, shoe racks bulge, one in every color, I’ll just indulge.
My wildest whim will oft be met, bigger, faster, give me, get.
Travel on in Babylon.

May I go first? Knew you’d not care, for my time’s precious. You’ve lots to spare.
I’ll slip in front and off I’ll go. See, I’m quite fast and well, you’re quite slow.
I and me fast friends, life-long.
Prattle on in Babylon.

Nip it here, just there a lift. I just turned forty, it was a gift.
The eyes, the lips, the bosoms do, sculptured, lasered, injected, too.
No wrinkles left, the tummy’s gone.
Journey on in Babylon.

Enough of me, how do you view me?
You get one, but give me three.
I couldn’t bare to just say no, it’s my desire and rightly so.
Add another and on and on.
Shuffle on in Babylon.

No end in sight that I can see, today is blocked by the mirror in front of me.
A wreck, a death, tsunami tide, it mildly stirs me, I must confide.
TV claims tens of thousands gone.
Oh well, let’s see what else is on.
Numb to the stunning sight of each new dawn,
Sinking fast in Babylon.

Like a lobster in a pot who begins to like the water hot,
I’ve been duped, been tricked, been had, convinced that truth was somehow bad.
Evil, coddled and cooed and purred, and beckoned me and called and lured.
Now in a place with the lights turned on, I’m racing home from Babylon.
I’m racing home from Babylon.

--Lynn Parker

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Beth Moore Daniel Study - Week Two

Wow, what a week. I'll admit, it was hard to get myself in a groove at first. This study really makes you dig deep and it's not something you can do in 5-10 minutes. That's one of things I like about it. My life is always on warp speed so this really forces me to slow down.

Have you ever met a person who was super disciplined. When I was a fifth grade teacher there was a young lady on our team who was one of the most disciplined people I ever met. She was a former dancer and you could tell. Her posture was incredible and she was so meticulous about what she the point where she ate the exact amount of the exact same thing every day for lunch. Now don't get me wrong, I personally think that's kind of boring and wouldn't do that myself. But what impressed me was her RESOLVE to do whatever it took to maintain the standard she had set for herself.

Last week's lesson really hit me to the core. The statement that I couldn't get out of my mind was " We have an enemy who wants to return us to the places God has called us to leave." That's where I find myself today. I made decisions and changed habits but somewhere along the way my Babylonian way of thinking, my mind wasn't completed transformed. So little by little I have walked my way back into a place I promised to never be again.

Daniel had incredible resolve, but what I am reminded of as well, is that he was willing to be
C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-T every day. I really struggle with this. I will start down a path and do well for awhile but before I know it I almost back where I started.

So this week I'm asking myself, what daily decisions does God want me to make in order to renew my mind? my emotions? my spirit? And am I willing to make those decisions even when they don't receive the approval of those around me?

Session 2
In session 2: A Dream and a Kingdom, Beth discusses some of the parallels between ancient Babylon and the western culture that seeks to hold us captive.

From Imogene ~
pg 36 "Young Mom, God may have a senior adult for you at your church who could be one of the biggest blessings in life to you. Senior Adult, God might have a young single who could partner with you in prayer like no one else." Today in discussion, God really made it clear to look around and see who can be in our prayer networks. God designed the body to support and uplift one another. Let's let it! Reach out to a couple of your friends or family members and start a prayer list. We all need prayer!

Worship Video~