Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beth Moore Daniel Study - Week 7

Have you ever had a craving for something you knew you shouldn't have? Well, let me be the first to raise my hand! Right before my "special time" each month I crave chocolate and lots of it. Now this may seem like a small thing but these doses of sugar and my system aren't a great match. It makes me crash to the point I have to sleep it off for a few hours OR it makes me really irritable and emotional. Neither of these are great scenarios for my family or those around me. I always ask myself AFTER I do these kinds of things, WHY?

It all comes down to falling into tempation...allowing myself to be enticed by statements such as "I deserve it"..."a little won't hurt" or "it will make me feel better." pg.118 of last week said "Satan will manipulate anything possible to provide false fulfillment for our souls." We must stay alert in every area and resolve to be faithful in all things both big and small.

In session 7: The Ancient of Days, Beth looks at the dream in Daniel 7:1-14 that involves Daniel, the little horn, the Ancient of Days, and one like the son of man. The little horn spoke boastfully. The Ancient of Days entered as Chief Justice of the Universe and judged in favor of the saints before the beast was slain. In the one like a son of man, Daniel saw the coronation of the Messiah King receive His Father's gift of a universal kingdom. Click here to purchase and download this week's video.

pg. 147
"We who are Christians have God's all surpassing power in our jars of clay (2 Cor 4:7). Let's not wait until we are at the end of our strength to utilize it! Let's call on God to fill us with His all-surpassing power day in and day out. His "incomparably great power" is accessible daily from those who believe! This power is the same power He used to raise Jesus from the dead (Eph. 1:19-20). What more could we need?"

Wow~ What an impact this week had on my life! I find that as a mother of two that I constantly wait till I am at the end of my strength before I look to him. I am so excited to be doing this online study with you guys. I find after I do the week I go back through the study to see what stuck out most and I think I may even get more in this 15 minutes that I did when I read it before. I pray daily that I can look to him to fill me up as I go through this world here where I may encounter spiritual warfare. It is so important for me to keep my eyes on him in everything that I am doing and looking for him in the middle of "my busy life". Most times when I stop and look around he is somewhere different that I think that he should be and he wants me to "go and grow" and not "bend and blend". Thanks to you all for taking this journey and I pray that we can all let him fill us up in the start of the day so at the end we are not at the end of our strength.

Imogene Noe

Worship Video ~ I have posted this before on this blog, BUT this was so perfect for the above I had to post again:)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beth Moore Daniel Study - Week 6

In my house with a husband on the go and children who are always coming up with projects and new experiments, things easily disappear. A few years ago I bought a great set of "green" food storage containers. These containers have a special design and allow you to keep your fresh produce crisp and ripe for a longer period of time. The downfall, the color of the containers are so dull, I can't see what's inside. I have to open several of them in order to find what I need or I would simply forget and something would spoil.

So I am flipping through my daily assortment of fliers and coupons and stumble upon a new ad from Ikea. The Lord has recently opened my eyes to being an even better steward financially and intentionally looking for ways to save....but that's a whole different topic. Anyway, they have advertised a new set of containers for only $3.99. What a great deal right?! Best of all, they are clear and I can easily see what's inside.

In Daniel 5 we read about a banquet King Belshazzar gave. Of course he pulled out his best and served drinks in the gold and silver goblets taken from the temple in Jerusalem. An interesting connection was made to this event, and Beth reminded us that God wants us to be the kind of container fit to serve any guest that comes our way. Those of us who have received Christ Jesus as Savior are holy vessels.

As I continue to consider what it means to becme "Daniel-like" in my own Babylon-world, I believe that part of the process requires me to be transparent and fit for service. Who I am in the Lord should always be clear enough for others to see. When others see me, can they immediately see what's inside? And when they see inside, what do they see? Is my exterior shaded and difficult to see through? Are the treasures God has placed within me hidden from those that need to see them most?

What was your "ah ha" moment from last week?

Love, Charryse

In session 6: In the Lions' Den, Beth discusses that in an emergency we can either panic, become paralyzed, or pray. Prayer allows us to experience gloriously intense encounters with God, to emerge from terribly hurtful situations unhurt, and to see worldly observers become impressed with our God. Click here to download and purchase this week's video,2725,I%253D1415852413%2526M%253D200865%2526N%253Dvideos,00.html

From Imogene~
Week six was a great wrap up from the following five weeks. It allowed me to revisit some of the more meaning full points that the Lord used this study to point out in my life that I am living today. I felt that on page 125 there are three statements that really hit home for me. "God desires for us to be light-bearers in this dark culture and to be highly effective fruitbearers for the glory of His Name."

At the end of the week when she asked us to write a prayer this was it:

I pray that God will use me as a light-bearer in the world. I know that he has me right where he has me for a reason and there are so many relationships that I know God wants to me to address. It is so easy and comfortable to accept them they way they are. I know his heart for these people and I want that heart as well. "But we will never do it by accident. In fact, perhaps nothing in our lives will have to be more deliberate." A couple years back God told me this. I need bible studies and Christians to spur me on. I need to push myself for Christ. When I think this is too much, I need to think that I can do all things through him. If he puts a desire on your hearts he will give us the ability to fulfill the purpose through him and not ourselves. I strive to hear him in this world and everyday I am asking "God, where are you in this?" He will show me. Maybe not in my time but in his. "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." This goes off my other favorite verse, "where your heart is, there also is your treasure." We need to always look to him and not others. Even though I stay at home God has a job for me. To raise my boys and be a supportive wife. He has also given me the desire to get involved at church instead of just going. I feel that if he is willing to pour so much into me it is my job to look for outlets where I can serve him by serving others. I love how much he loves me in my weakness.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beth Moore Daniel Study - Week 8

In session 8: Foreshadowing the Little Horn, Beth shows how the prophecy in Daniel chapter 8 includes both what is now past history and Israel's future experiences under Antichrist. The passage points to an Antichrist who will become very strong but not by his own power, take his stand against the Prince of princes, and will be destroyed, but not by human power (Daniel 8:23-25) Click here to purchase and download the session video for week 8: pg. 168 "Remember, we are viewing Daniel 8 as God's way of telling us about the former to help us better picture the latter. In session 8, we referred to this teaching method as "dual referencing". This statement really sparked a question to myself, "Dual referencing is how we read the bible and apply God's words to our lives, right?" Beth Moore did a great job of showing us how this application of the bible applies to the new and the old testament. Then I start to realize that this is how I mentally apply God's directions for my life in my daily activities. When I face trials I need to reference the bible to see the applications that he has for me in his word. This week also helped me see that what his will is in the end times. How we are suppose to encourage one another and lift each other up in trials. This really hit home for me and that I need to increase my commitment to prayer for my sisters. Music Video for worship~ Life is Sweeter ~ on the other side. I thought this was a good one since our study is showing us what is going to happen in the end:)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daniel ~ Week 5

Does anyone have any comments and/or questions in response to any of the material we have completed so far? Please do not hesitate to share comments and prayer requests throughout the week. We will all enjoy and benefit from hearing what you've been learning, and it's truly our privilege to lift one another up in prayer.

As you will recall, the theme of the video lesson 4 was succinctly stated in Daniel 4:37, "...and those who walk in pride He is able to put down". On Day One of our homework, Beth noted, "We can become as proud of our self-discipline, sacrificial giving, and self-denial as of our worldly successes and goods."

Offer an example of a sly way the enemy can tempt a "spiritual" believer to pride.

In session 5, Beth discusses that vesses can be consecrated or set aside as holy for God's use. We, too, are holy vessels in the house of the Lord (2 Timothy 2:20-21). Satan has no greater agenda than attempting to desecrate what God consecrates, but God does not overlook Satan's mistreatment of holy vessels. Thankfully, vessels that have been treated as unholy can be treated as holy again. Click here to purchase and download this week's video.

From Imogene~
pg. 98 "If you don't see yourself holy, are you able to see others in the body of Christ as holy? suitcase questions ~ Why do you more readily see them as holy?"
This really hit home for me because earlier in this study I talked about the power of prayer and having sisters for prayer partners to create the community he desires for us. If I look at the names listed I see some overlapping here. I see how these ladies reach out to me and I also see how God uses them to love me in times of need. Sometimes we do not see the good in ourselves as we see it in others. This worship song talks about this and I thought it was perfect for this week.

Worship Video ~

pg. 101
"If we cooperate, He'll turn every single one of our failures into something useful for his kingdom."
One of my mentors once spurred me with this and asked me if I was willing to self sacrifice for Him? Was I willing to discuss my failures for others to see the love of Christ in my life. This is a hard one, of course I want to say "YES", but at the same time this means dying to self for his glory daily. This is hard.

Please read Daniel 5:17 again. WOW! This is who I want to be. I desire to be the servant that does not want payment from this world but only my Savior. This can be an inspiration to us all through this journey of life. We can not serve two masters and where our treasures are, so is our heart!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Beth Moore Daniel Study - Week Four

"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it and he will save us from it, he will rescue us from your hand, O king." Daniel 3:17

I am thankful that we serve a God who is willing to reach in and pull us out of the fire. As I look reflect back on Daniel chapter 3, I'm also thankful to have friends that are willing to go through the fire with me....who are walking with me as we desire a greater level of integrity and holiness.

With each passing day I am asking the Lord to show me where I have stepped into Babylon. Where I've gone off course and allowed my time, my thoughts, or my activities to be in the wrong direction. I quickly recognized an area where I had allowed myself to be enticed.

I can have such an appetite for "activity" for "helping others" for "taking control of my circumstances" that I find myself in a place where I'm out of God's will and using my gifts and talents in areas he never called me to be. They aren't necessarily bad places, but the wrong places. Too much of even a "good thing" can spread you thin and leave you spiritually bankrupt.

While I was working to become "rich" in certain areas, I neglected to realize how my pace, my captivity, was causing me to become "poor" in the areas that mattered most.

Are there activities or things in your life that you need to give up? Are you willing to be intentional and demonstrate resolve to make the changes God is asking of you? What part of "Babylon" are you still giving room in your life?



In session 4: Farewell Lessons from Nebuchadnezzar, Beth shows us how the example of God’s disciplining King Nebuchadnezzar teaches us lessons. Two signs we are being corrupted by our "Babylons" are that we lose touch with the poor and that we lose touch with our own poverty of spirit. God knows where to draw the line: both His patience and His discipline set limits.

Click here for to purchase and download the video for this week:,2725,I%253D1415852391%2526M%253D200865%2526N%253Dvideos,00.html

From Imogene ~
pg 72
"A wife who studies Scripture in-depth must be very careful that she does not develop a superiority complex over a husband who doesn't"
This was a topic for two weeks in our discussion class that we do on Wednesday mornings. We received affirmation on this topic through this statement from Beth Moore. We as moms and wives need to encourage our family towards Christ and not shove. It is important for us to help coordinate the events centered around Christ such as devotions but make sure not to take it a step farther to leadership in this area.

pg 74 Suitcase question
"By any chance, is your testimony one that risks you looking foolish? Mine is!"
We discussed how it is hard to share your testimony because you have to admit that you could not do it without God. This was my journey and sometimes Satan tries to play with this in our relationships. I feel that this person may never talk to me again if they knew who I use to be and what I use to do! But God has shown me over and over when I humble myself to show his love for me he will use that to show his love to others as well! I love him for that!!!!

Here is a song that should encourage us all the pray and share the gospel with people that are in our lives. They are there for a reason~