Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Principle 7 and Conclusion

Principle 7~ The Power of love and forgiveness
Worship Song ~ Natalie Grant ~ The Greatness of our God

I love this song and think of the greatness of his love and forgiveness for me.

pg. 243 "Love kisses the boo-boo before scolding about running in the house. Love encourages creativity instead of worrying about the possible mess. Love carefully disciplines and always forgives. Love doesn't sweat the small stuff. Love smiles and hugs. Love takes the time to look you in the eyes and listen to your side of the story."

pg. 249 "A mother's love is like the moonlight. The love that pours from her is actually a reflection of the incredible love of our heavenly Father. Do you relish and enjoy his love? Spend some time each day reading his love letter to you-The Bible. As you ponder God's incredible, everlasting love for you, you will begin to shine with his love in your home."

Affirmative Training~ Proverbs 3:11-12 "My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in"

Hebrews 12:11 "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."

Proverbs 22:15 "Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him."

The poem on page 258 and 259 could have been written by me to my mom. I was crying when I finished it! I love my mom and I pray that I will look to God for the strength to help me care this much for my children.

Philippians 3:12-14 "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"

Thank you so much for following along with us in the book. I am not sure of your thoughts but I plan to revisit the last pages of each chapter and make sure to apply these principles to help me become a more positive mother! I love you all!

Here are some pictures of my projects I had done in this book:)
My Life Map

Honor Plate ~

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Principle 5 and 6

Principle #5 ~ The Power of Your Example

Heaven Help Us
Worship Song ~ Casting Crowns Slow Fade

Romans 7:18-25

John 15:5 "I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit: apart from me he can do nothing."

Nobody's Perfect pg. 194
"Feed my sheep" John 21:17-18
This poem speaks volumes to me!
"I'd rather see a sermon, than hear on any day.
I'd rather one would walk with me than merely tell me the way.
The eye's a better pupil, more willing than the ear,
Fine council is confusing, but example's always clear.
And the best of all people are the ones that live their creeds,
For to see good in action is what everyone needs.
continued on pg. 196

pg. 203 Has some real fun ideas to apply traditions throughout the different holidays!
pg. 210 Has some wonderful travel ideas~ What are some of yours? I love this goodie bag idea and I am going to use it next month for our beach trip! No more fighting over treats and toys:)

Principle 6~
We are all changes in the making.

pg. 219 "But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation."

I have to always ask myself am I looking to my foundation for my strength or just my self?

My mommy friends and I were just talking about good books to look for with our preschoolers and here it is. It is fun to have a mission for a book at a library trip and then theme your weeks activities around this book. Here is a good link to some reading programs as well.


These two principles are filled with fun applications. I feel like I need to print out these ideas and use them to set goals at the start of the year. The fun reading ideas and inspirations to be a better mom and care what is going on in the circus I call my home is very inspiring.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Principle 4~ Strong Relationships

Morrison YMCA in front of Smoothie King at 10:30
Had a great time of fellowship last time and look forward to seeing you all again~

Worship Song ~ How He Loves Us
This song was awesome for me to see that if I submit to the love that God has for me I can then submit to my husband and his love that he has for me.

pg. 159 "The Five Languages of Love" Chris and I did this when we got married and I would love to do this again to see if anything has changed. It is so important for me to serve his love language and accept it when he expresses his love for me in his way.

pg. 162 "Are you communicating respect in your message and your tone of voice." I am so bad about flying off the handle and not thinking before I speak. Some days I pray about everything before I talk to Chris about anything. This prevents displacement of anger on him and has improved our relationship.

pg. 164 We love to watch movies. I think that it is fun to get fun treat candy to go along with the movie and it shows Chris that I thought about him that day:)

This was a good reminder to pick a book or devotion to do with my husband. We had been doing one but it did get put to the side at the beginning of the summer and I put it back on my bedside today.

pg. 167 Choose~ This is another good application to make a memory list of all the things you love about your husband. Once you start having that mental pity party you can remember the list.

Do~ I did take a picture of where Chris and I very first started dating and sent it to his phone and asked him to guess where it was. It did put a smile on his face and he sent me a little love line back. So easy and meant so much~

I enjoyed this chapter just as much as the last. I feel that at the end I am going to go back through all the last pages and reread the scripture and make sure that I am doing the DO section. I did the life map that she talked about last week. I pinned it up in my closet. Really made me see all the blessings that God has given me!

Talk to you Wednesday or next week here on the blog~

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Principle 3 ~The Power of a Good Attitude

Worship Video ~ Healing Hands of God

From Imogene~
Chapter 9~ pg. 125 "our contentment is independent of what we have or who surrounds us."
This one is a hard one to swallow sometimes. Where is my contentment? It is so easy for us to look to others and things here on earth rather than The Maker. I have to admit I read this chapter the week before on the perfect day, I was one step away from my own pity party in my bathroom!

Chapter 10~ pg.139
I can not wait to make these posters with my family. I think this will be a fun weekend activity.

Chatter 11~ pg.146 "In this world you will have trouble." I loved the story that came after my favorite verse about the teachers. I have two young boys and it was awesome to see this mom discussing this situation.
Psalm 37:23 ~ "for the Lord upholds him with his hand" The Do in this last chapter is to make a Life Map. It is going to be fun to track the progress of all these activities on these blogs. When I get time I would love to post mine for you all!
