Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Beth Moore Daniel Study - Week Four

"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it and he will save us from it, he will rescue us from your hand, O king." Daniel 3:17

I am thankful that we serve a God who is willing to reach in and pull us out of the fire. As I look reflect back on Daniel chapter 3, I'm also thankful to have friends that are willing to go through the fire with me....who are walking with me as we desire a greater level of integrity and holiness.

With each passing day I am asking the Lord to show me where I have stepped into Babylon. Where I've gone off course and allowed my time, my thoughts, or my activities to be in the wrong direction. I quickly recognized an area where I had allowed myself to be enticed.

I can have such an appetite for "activity" for "helping others" for "taking control of my circumstances" that I find myself in a place where I'm out of God's will and using my gifts and talents in areas he never called me to be. They aren't necessarily bad places, but the wrong places. Too much of even a "good thing" can spread you thin and leave you spiritually bankrupt.

While I was working to become "rich" in certain areas, I neglected to realize how my pace, my captivity, was causing me to become "poor" in the areas that mattered most.

Are there activities or things in your life that you need to give up? Are you willing to be intentional and demonstrate resolve to make the changes God is asking of you? What part of "Babylon" are you still giving room in your life?



In session 4: Farewell Lessons from Nebuchadnezzar, Beth shows us how the example of God’s disciplining King Nebuchadnezzar teaches us lessons. Two signs we are being corrupted by our "Babylons" are that we lose touch with the poor and that we lose touch with our own poverty of spirit. God knows where to draw the line: both His patience and His discipline set limits.

Click here for to purchase and download the video for this week:,2725,I%253D1415852391%2526M%253D200865%2526N%253Dvideos,00.html

From Imogene ~
pg 72
"A wife who studies Scripture in-depth must be very careful that she does not develop a superiority complex over a husband who doesn't"
This was a topic for two weeks in our discussion class that we do on Wednesday mornings. We received affirmation on this topic through this statement from Beth Moore. We as moms and wives need to encourage our family towards Christ and not shove. It is important for us to help coordinate the events centered around Christ such as devotions but make sure not to take it a step farther to leadership in this area.

pg 74 Suitcase question
"By any chance, is your testimony one that risks you looking foolish? Mine is!"
We discussed how it is hard to share your testimony because you have to admit that you could not do it without God. This was my journey and sometimes Satan tries to play with this in our relationships. I feel that this person may never talk to me again if they knew who I use to be and what I use to do! But God has shown me over and over when I humble myself to show his love for me he will use that to show his love to others as well! I love him for that!!!!

Here is a song that should encourage us all the pray and share the gospel with people that are in our lives. They are there for a reason~

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