Sunday, February 28, 2016

Chapter 13 - 16

Chapter 13-
There are a couple ways that we can build our children up.  First we can focus on them individually.  Eye contact has helped me greatly with this.  Kindness will lead to repentance and faith.  I can lead by an example and say something nice to my husband every morning.  I have even started a little list of one nice thing about him I write down every morning.  This helps my focus to be on him as a person and not as the father to the three children that I am trying to train up in the way of the lord. This has helped to start to turn around the attitude in my marriage.  One gratitude at a time.
Chapter 14 -
By doing this everyday it really has begun to change my heart.  Not only towards my spouse but also towards myself.  Are we all being thankful for what we have right now?  Are we content in our blessings that we are given.  Are we so focused on our mess that we can not see the miracles?  I am reminded of the verse.  Where your treasure is, your heart will be also.  Can I find treasures in my mess and realize that this is where my heart should be?  Can I see that everything I really need, I have right now?
Chapter 15-
Peacemaking - It is so important for us to involve our children in the process.  So when we see conflict or the creation of conflict we can ask our children to help the other one make good decisions.
Team - Together everyone accomplishes more.
It is so easy for me to see this in my bible studies and social groups.  Why is it so hard to see this in my own family?  I strive for union, but at times I see division as a result.  I think I need to focus more on God being my team leader rather than myself.
Chapter 16-
This chapter on Honesty really helped me realize that I need to focus on the why instead of the what.  When she discusses the main two things of being honest it made me pause.  We need to seek authenticity and vulnerability in all things.  This is how we are an example of a christian.  When people see a peace that surpasses all understanding is when we are a true example of Christ.  I also see that we lie out of shame and fear.  If we realize that we need to trust Christ in all things we will see that we will have no reason for shame.


  1. Hi Imogene

    I am totally new to blogging and stumbled in your while doing my Beth Moore study.
    I have a question if you don't mind, I looked at several of your post and do not see any comments. Is that normal for blogs? How do you stay motivated the. To confinue blogging? I love the Lodd and enjoy writing and thought this might be away to reach others, but I'm really not sure how it works.
    Thank you for your insight

  2. My views are crazy out of control. So that's what keeps me going!
