This was a wonderful week to establish the foundations of what we will use in our conflict resolution in our home. Every time one of the children raise their voices we are referring to this list that is over our kitchen table. The children have in turn have also loved using it on me. I find that many times in the middle of a mommy's life I tend to get a little excited and I am not demonstrating these traits. I love that the family as a whole has a list that we can all read but Maggie. You can see that a mark system has also been put in place to keep track of the behavior and the punishments are 10 minutes in room per a mark at the end of the day.
Chapter 11~
The topic of respect made me realize how little I actually respect my children. In the Bible it tells us to model behavior. It is so hard for me in an uncontrolled environment to control myself. I am being helped by realizing that it is more important for me to demonstrate the calmness from the Holy Spirit than my points in punishing. This has been very freeing over the past couple of days. I am also realizing I need my children to respect my space while I am getting things done in the house.
Chapter 12~
Patience...... I feel that a mom of three young children does not have any and should not be expected too. But this is the entire opposite teaching of the entire Bible. I mean every good story and parable in the Bible come from trials. It is in his weakness that we find his strength. Why am I always so fast to try to control other people? Especially my children? Why am I so fast to look at the wrong and try to fix fast when God wants to use it for his glory in a slow process. I feel often times when I busy trying to fix, God is screaming "Let Go and Let Me!"
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