Monday, December 27, 2010

Week 2 ~ The Delight of Loving My Husband

pg 36
"God will renew your strength so that you will not grow weary in cultivating a tender love for your husband."

I have been married for over 11 years. I am blessed with two young boys that I care take everyday. I often have to remember the order that the Lord designed.
With so much time spent taking care of my children and the house it is so easy to get this order mixed up. Through the years I have found that I tend to use my husband as a sounding board for everything that goes wrong in my life. This is why God designed this order because he wants us to bring these things to him to take care of. Our husbands are the heads of the house and if they are at work all day dealing with other cares, it is our job as wives to make the evening a peaceful and enjoying one for them. I see such a difference in our evenings when I spend time with the Lord and then invest in my relationship with my husband.

pg 39
"When we see our husbands as sinners like ourselves-sinners in need of God's grace and mercy-it strips away any intolerant, critical, or demanding attitude we may be tempted to have. Every husband has areas where he needs to change and grow, but so do we!"

pg 42
"If we have forgotten the things that first attracted us to our husbands, lets change our thought pattern and start to remember them."
While reading this chapter that night my husband and I went back in our minds to when we first met and started remembering all the fun moments and memories and it was the best conversation we had in a long time. It was not about kids, events, or family. Just me and him! I want one of my new goals for this year to be to get involved in my husband and invest more in our relationship. The more I do this the more I will reap what God has for me in this marraige.

Comment Question~
What is one way that we can change our thought pattern?

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