Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Principle 4~ Strong Relationships

Morrison YMCA in front of Smoothie King at 10:30
Had a great time of fellowship last time and look forward to seeing you all again~

Worship Song ~ How He Loves Us
This song was awesome for me to see that if I submit to the love that God has for me I can then submit to my husband and his love that he has for me.

pg. 159 "The Five Languages of Love" Chris and I did this when we got married and I would love to do this again to see if anything has changed. It is so important for me to serve his love language and accept it when he expresses his love for me in his way.

pg. 162 "Are you communicating respect in your message and your tone of voice." I am so bad about flying off the handle and not thinking before I speak. Some days I pray about everything before I talk to Chris about anything. This prevents displacement of anger on him and has improved our relationship.

pg. 164 We love to watch movies. I think that it is fun to get fun treat candy to go along with the movie and it shows Chris that I thought about him that day:)

This was a good reminder to pick a book or devotion to do with my husband. We had been doing one but it did get put to the side at the beginning of the summer and I put it back on my bedside today.

pg. 167 Choose~ This is another good application to make a memory list of all the things you love about your husband. Once you start having that mental pity party you can remember the list.

Do~ I did take a picture of where Chris and I very first started dating and sent it to his phone and asked him to guess where it was. It did put a smile on his face and he sent me a little love line back. So easy and meant so much~

I enjoyed this chapter just as much as the last. I feel that at the end I am going to go back through all the last pages and reread the scripture and make sure that I am doing the DO section. I did the life map that she talked about last week. I pinned it up in my closet. Really made me see all the blessings that God has given me!

Talk to you Wednesday or next week here on the blog~

1 comment:

  1. Strong Relationships: Friends and Mentors

    p.175 "Encourage One Another"
    Do we as women encourage and build up other women? I don't know about you all, but I need encouragement. I need it from my husband and I need it from other women. I want to be an encourager rather than a complainer. I want to build others up rather than tear them down.
    p.177 " Pray that God will lead you to women who can help you see things from a godly perspective and not a self-centered, earthly one." This is my prayer.

    p.170 "Mentor Moms"
    I am blessed to have my own flesh and blood Mom as a best friend, encourager and mentor, but otherwise I have never had a "mentor mom".
    I know as a young mom I had no idea at times how to handle situations in my home with my husband and children. I still feel that way a lot of days as I encounter the changes and different seasons that you go through with your children. I suddenly have a 13 year old and teenagers are brand new territory for me! Has anyone been there? How do I handle...? You fill in the blank. There will always be something new or unknown that we are faced with.
    p. 186--Do: I am praying that God will provide mentors for us as we try to raise a family and make a home.
    Choose: I am asking God to help me to be continually on the lookout for opportunities to connect with other mothers in different stages of life.

    If you feel alone and are in need of a friend or a mentor, make your request known to God and He will give you what you need.

