Worship Song ~ God Speaking
Thanks to all the moms that took the time to meet in groups to go over the introduction and principle #1. Was so awesome to have fellowship in the middle of school endings and all the activities that brings. Here we are in the second principle and what a powerful one it is.
Chapter 6 ~ pg. 80
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6
Imogene~ What a wonderful structure for prayer. Each week we will face the little trials of being a mother. God is telling me to calm down, pray, be thankful, and ask. He knows the greater purpose for the trail and I am so focused on the moment I need to step back and look at this verse daily.
pg. 88 offers other great verses that can help us structure our daily prayers
Chapter 7 ~ pg 105 CHOOSE
Imogene~ I was reading another book and the author had you write a "I remember List". This is a list of prayers that God has answered in the past. This is a great application in combining with chapter 6. If I go back to Philippians 4:6, again he is telling me to calm down, pray for his peace, remember all the other answered prayers, and ask for this prayer.
Chapter 8 ~ pg 108
"praying moms saw the power of God to work through their prayers"
This is a great chapter on prayer and how we need to be accountable to others in our prayer life. Since we are all busy moms it helps to find some friends and when you need their prayers ask. This allows them to come along side you in this trial and enjoy in the answering of your prayers in the deliverance of the trial. I also have started asking God to lead me to pray for different moms that may need prayer. He often brings them to mind. Then I will pray, reach out to that mom, and let her know that I was in prayer for her. You would be amazed at how many times I hear, "You have no idea how much I needed prayer that day." We need to lean on our father and pray to him daily so we can lean on him through this journey of being a mom.
pg. 117
"So I think I know the secret
Learned from many a troubled way,
You must seek God in the morning
If you want him through the day."
Comment Question~ What are you willing to give up in order to have time in prayer?
Imogene~ I would have to confess that I need to give up my junk tv shows I watch at nap time and spend that time praying.
Talk to you next week!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Introduction and Principle #1
Here we go!
Worship Song~ HOLD ME
Chapter One
pg. 10 "You are absolutely essential in your home and in the lives of your kids. Your job has more than monetary value: it has eternal worth!"
Wow! When I was going to school I wanted a job just like this! But my view was alot different. I would have the nice car, home, husband, nanny, and big office. I would mean alot to alot of people. Well boy has all this changed. I got to that career and realized that it really did not matter. Guess what? The bank will open with or without Imogene Noe. Little did I know that the job that would have eternal worth would be filled with one of daily self sacrifice. Not to mention all the dirty diapers and daily beat downs of being a mom. But boy is this when God lifts me up, HOLDS ME, and shows me that he can do all things through me that really matter to him.
Share the Do on pg. 16 (please comment on one thing that is on your card)
Imogene ~ "To TRUST in Christ to do all things through me." I can not tell you how many times during one day I close my eyes and think, "God you have something for me here, right here, and I am not seeing it. Please show me so I can get through this."
Chapter Two
pg. 23 "..build on your strengths"
Imogene~ I took the spiritual gift test that you can find here. This helped me to realize that I am not all things to all people, BUT I can be something to a few people and be good at it.
pg. 29 "God's Holy Spirit is our power source.."
Imogene~ I need to spend time with him daily to really see him and see his provisions in my life. This is when I feel my real purpose.
Chapter Three
pg. 42 "by praising our Holy Father"
Imogene~ Just last year I made a worship song part of my quiet time and I really feel that this is my thanksgiving to him daily. When I am having a hard time and facing doubt I go to him in worship and this is when I hear him and his verses that he has for me for this exact situation. But how can I hear if I do not submit to him?
I did write down the accolades for my family. I made a point to say the first one to my husband. He looked at me and said, "What?" Wow, this shows you how much work I have to do to let my husband know what I love about him. He is so stressed at work and when he comes home we are his peaceful place. I guess I need to think of this more and make an effort to make him feel loved, like Christ loves me.
Chapter Four
My sister plays this game with her family where they list out blessings that people are to their lives. This makes the kids focus on the good in the family and not the bad. After reading this chapter and having two boys under four, I will be playing this game tonight:)
pg. 72 Story about Karol ~
I realize that my husband desires for me to happy. He goes to work to provide for our family and shows us love in his love language. I need to accept, appreciate, and realize that this is how God made him. A couple of months ago I was at a Mentor Night and we realized that if we go to our maker with all our problems before our hubbies come home we are less likely to do the emotional dump on our husbands. It really has made a difference in my personal life. We focus on the goodness in the day and then address the couple of items that need to be discussed.
I am so glad that I made the commitment to finish these chapters. I know that it is a struggle for us all. But awesome to see three take aways from these chapters that will daily help me stay on the positive side of being a mom.
Serving Him,
From Melissa~
After reading the introduction through Principle #1, I am so excited to see what God has planned for us! God is already speaking to my heart through His Word and this book. I truly want to not only hear what God has to say to me, but I want to do what He has called me to do.
In chapter 1 (p.11), I was reminded of just who my employer is. I am quick to quote Colossians 3:17 to my kids, but this was all up in my face about me...Who am I working for? I had forgotten this in the day to day struggles of caring for my family.
On page 22, she talks about "neither circumstances nor people are ever perfect". The bottom line is that I am a perfectionist, but "is my vision realistic or just a glorified picture of what we think we ought to be?" What are my expectations for myself, my husband and my children? To be perfectly honest, I had to stop and repent. (p.27) "Are we taking time to love and enjoy the people God has placed in our care?"...or am I too busy trying to be perfect?(p. 29) Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to be my power source or am I relying on my own self? I tend to try to be my own power source and being the human that I am I usually blow a fuse or burn out!
Priniciple #1: The thing that really spoke to me here is what she has to say about self worth.(p. 38) "Children need to establish in their hearts and minds that their worth is not wrapped up in what they do or what anyone else thinks...rather, it is based on who they are in Christ." This is my prayer for my children...and for myself. I really struggle with the fact that I need to be doing something to have self worth.
Finally (p. 48), Colossians 3:12-15(NIV) says this..."clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience...and over all of these virtues put on love which binds them all together. Key words "clothe yourselves" and "put on". It is a deliberate, intentional action. These things will not just happen because we wish it were so.
I am looking forward to what is in store for us as we seek God's will for us as a Mom!
Worship Song~ HOLD ME
Chapter One
pg. 10 "You are absolutely essential in your home and in the lives of your kids. Your job has more than monetary value: it has eternal worth!"
Wow! When I was going to school I wanted a job just like this! But my view was alot different. I would have the nice car, home, husband, nanny, and big office. I would mean alot to alot of people. Well boy has all this changed. I got to that career and realized that it really did not matter. Guess what? The bank will open with or without Imogene Noe. Little did I know that the job that would have eternal worth would be filled with one of daily self sacrifice. Not to mention all the dirty diapers and daily beat downs of being a mom. But boy is this when God lifts me up, HOLDS ME, and shows me that he can do all things through me that really matter to him.
Share the Do on pg. 16 (please comment on one thing that is on your card)
Imogene ~ "To TRUST in Christ to do all things through me." I can not tell you how many times during one day I close my eyes and think, "God you have something for me here, right here, and I am not seeing it. Please show me so I can get through this."
Chapter Two
pg. 23 "..build on your strengths"
Imogene~ I took the spiritual gift test that you can find here. This helped me to realize that I am not all things to all people, BUT I can be something to a few people and be good at it.
pg. 29 "God's Holy Spirit is our power source.."
Imogene~ I need to spend time with him daily to really see him and see his provisions in my life. This is when I feel my real purpose.
Chapter Three
pg. 42 "by praising our Holy Father"
Imogene~ Just last year I made a worship song part of my quiet time and I really feel that this is my thanksgiving to him daily. When I am having a hard time and facing doubt I go to him in worship and this is when I hear him and his verses that he has for me for this exact situation. But how can I hear if I do not submit to him?
I did write down the accolades for my family. I made a point to say the first one to my husband. He looked at me and said, "What?" Wow, this shows you how much work I have to do to let my husband know what I love about him. He is so stressed at work and when he comes home we are his peaceful place. I guess I need to think of this more and make an effort to make him feel loved, like Christ loves me.
Chapter Four
My sister plays this game with her family where they list out blessings that people are to their lives. This makes the kids focus on the good in the family and not the bad. After reading this chapter and having two boys under four, I will be playing this game tonight:)
pg. 72 Story about Karol ~
I realize that my husband desires for me to happy. He goes to work to provide for our family and shows us love in his love language. I need to accept, appreciate, and realize that this is how God made him. A couple of months ago I was at a Mentor Night and we realized that if we go to our maker with all our problems before our hubbies come home we are less likely to do the emotional dump on our husbands. It really has made a difference in my personal life. We focus on the goodness in the day and then address the couple of items that need to be discussed.
I am so glad that I made the commitment to finish these chapters. I know that it is a struggle for us all. But awesome to see three take aways from these chapters that will daily help me stay on the positive side of being a mom.
Serving Him,
From Melissa~
After reading the introduction through Principle #1, I am so excited to see what God has planned for us! God is already speaking to my heart through His Word and this book. I truly want to not only hear what God has to say to me, but I want to do what He has called me to do.
In chapter 1 (p.11), I was reminded of just who my employer is. I am quick to quote Colossians 3:17 to my kids, but this was all up in my face about me...Who am I working for? I had forgotten this in the day to day struggles of caring for my family.
On page 22, she talks about "neither circumstances nor people are ever perfect". The bottom line is that I am a perfectionist, but "is my vision realistic or just a glorified picture of what we think we ought to be?" What are my expectations for myself, my husband and my children? To be perfectly honest, I had to stop and repent. (p.27) "Are we taking time to love and enjoy the people God has placed in our care?"...or am I too busy trying to be perfect?(p. 29) Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to be my power source or am I relying on my own self? I tend to try to be my own power source and being the human that I am I usually blow a fuse or burn out!
Priniciple #1: The thing that really spoke to me here is what she has to say about self worth.(p. 38) "Children need to establish in their hearts and minds that their worth is not wrapped up in what they do or what anyone else thinks...rather, it is based on who they are in Christ." This is my prayer for my children...and for myself. I really struggle with the fact that I need to be doing something to have self worth.
Finally (p. 48), Colossians 3:12-15(NIV) says this..."clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience...and over all of these virtues put on love which binds them all together. Key words "clothe yourselves" and "put on". It is a deliberate, intentional action. These things will not just happen because we wish it were so.
I am looking forward to what is in store for us as we seek God's will for us as a Mom!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Power of a Positive Mom
I am so excited and blessed at the same time to see all of these moms wanting to do a study in the summer. It is so hard with the kids home and trying to schedule camps and outings to remember that we need to focus on our relationship with God first and he will take care of the daily details that can drive me crazy! This summer we are going to format these studies as book clubs. We want you to find the time that you have to focus on this book at your own pace. I will say that the more committed you are to anything the more of a daily impact you will have. We are going to post the introduction and #1 Principle this Wednesday. I can not get over how fast this past week and a half have gone by. Please refer to the posting schedule on blog for a guide to read this book. We have to have a goal to meet it, so set yours now. Make realistic goals for these chapters through the summer. You will have all the posts on this blog that will stay here. I promise that if you comment I will see the comment all summer. I can not wait to see how "Positive" God wants me to be all summer!
Serving Him,
Here is a link to follow Karol Ladd as well ~ http://www.positivemom.com/
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Summer Online Book Clubs!

~click on image to enlarge
Our summer online book studies are here! A team of moms will be taking this journey with you through this blog. Both of these books have made such a difference in my life and I am excited to see what God has for each of you this summer right here on this blog. Each week we will post per this schedule and have a worship video. Please order your books and sign up to get emails of these posts each week by registering on the right hand side of this blog.
1st Book ~ Power of a Positive Mom, by Karol Ladd
Make sure to get the REVISED EDITION
2nd Book ~ Feminine Appeal, by Carolyn Mahaney
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Beth Moore ~ Daniel Conclusion
Thank you all for taking this journey with us over this blog. I have loved walking along side of you all in this deeper journey of understanding. Since there was a "catch up" time between the study at church and this online study you can find posts Week 9-12 on the blog. When you finish each chapter please visit here and see what other moms felt in these sweet chapters. Here is the link for all the videos if you are missing one from the past four postings. We love you and want to hear your feed back and look forward to our next journey through "Power of a Positive Mom" by Karol Ladd. We will be posting all the details in a week or so.
Link for all Daniel Sessions
Please make sure to sign up for our next study by clicking the button found int he right side of blog. Look forward to chatting with you next
Serving Him,
Link for all Daniel Sessions
Please make sure to sign up for our next study by clicking the button found int he right side of blog. Look forward to chatting with you next
Serving Him,
Beth Moore ~ Daniel Week 11
Wow! I can not get over this is our last week! I am already excited about what Beth Moore study I will do next! This week is wrapping everything up so nicely.
pg. 224
"His works will not save him: but his works will reveal that he is redeemed."
This was a wonderful statement that hit home for me. What works am I doing in my life that reveal that I am redeemed? Does God have more for me than I see? Going through this study makes me see the REAL Jesus in our world today. Babylon has been a great parallel with the world that we live in today!
This week in class we all answered the lion question on the bottom of page 224.
My answer ~ Babylon is the world that we live in today! For someone who is not saved, they, as myself, could view the Bible as being old and non applicable. This is, if they have not read it. Boy, this study helped me did in to really see how applicable the entire Bible is. Also lets us know what is to come!
I have loved taking this journey with you all! Seeing you all in the halls and connecting, celebrating, and discussing what we learned! I pray that you can join together again for another adventure soon~
Serving him,
Worship Video
pg. 224
"His works will not save him: but his works will reveal that he is redeemed."
This was a wonderful statement that hit home for me. What works am I doing in my life that reveal that I am redeemed? Does God have more for me than I see? Going through this study makes me see the REAL Jesus in our world today. Babylon has been a great parallel with the world that we live in today!
This week in class we all answered the lion question on the bottom of page 224.
My answer ~ Babylon is the world that we live in today! For someone who is not saved, they, as myself, could view the Bible as being old and non applicable. This is, if they have not read it. Boy, this study helped me did in to really see how applicable the entire Bible is. Also lets us know what is to come!
I have loved taking this journey with you all! Seeing you all in the halls and connecting, celebrating, and discussing what we learned! I pray that you can join together again for another adventure soon~
Serving him,
Worship Video
Beth Moore ~ Daniel Week 10
pg. 203
"Fear God and nothing else. You will experience things other people only read about." Through this study I have found God really trimming my trunk back down to the stump. I am seeing that in order to see God work in my life I need to stop focusing on my work in my life. I have often heard that once we come to the end of ourselves is when God picks us up. It is humbling to think that I need to get rid of all the earthly things that I have placed so much value in to see what God has for me in my life here.
top of page 204
This quote from CS about pride is so right on! I never thought of this, but when I do I realize that the root of the sin in my life is my pride. This for sure can block what God is trying to do in my life, because I am so focused on myself and what he is doing through me.
Here is the worship Video for this week and address Pride ~
page 210
I really have to rest my faith on what he has planned for my life. This week I found out a dear friend of mine that is a believer, is dying from cancer. She has a 4 and a 6 year old and is my age. It really makes me focus on what is really important in my life. God, Chris, then family. He will guard my heart and the plans that he has for my life, but this was a real wake up call that our days are numbered and we have to live for his kingdom and not Satan's. There is no gray area, you are serving one or the other. That is a hard question to ask when we are in the gray areas.
"Fear God and nothing else. You will experience things other people only read about." Through this study I have found God really trimming my trunk back down to the stump. I am seeing that in order to see God work in my life I need to stop focusing on my work in my life. I have often heard that once we come to the end of ourselves is when God picks us up. It is humbling to think that I need to get rid of all the earthly things that I have placed so much value in to see what God has for me in my life here.
top of page 204
This quote from CS about pride is so right on! I never thought of this, but when I do I realize that the root of the sin in my life is my pride. This for sure can block what God is trying to do in my life, because I am so focused on myself and what he is doing through me.
Here is the worship Video for this week and address Pride ~
page 210
I really have to rest my faith on what he has planned for my life. This week I found out a dear friend of mine that is a believer, is dying from cancer. She has a 4 and a 6 year old and is my age. It really makes me focus on what is really important in my life. God, Chris, then family. He will guard my heart and the plans that he has for my life, but this was a real wake up call that our days are numbered and we have to live for his kingdom and not Satan's. There is no gray area, you are serving one or the other. That is a hard question to ask when we are in the gray areas.
Beth Moore ~ Daniel Week 9
Link to purchase video ~
pg 181
She speaks on dual referencing the scripture. This has been a great help to me to listen closely to these stories in the bible and see the applications that God has for me. She is right we are so blessed to have the Bible to give us step by step instructions in how we need to live our lives. But why is it I only pick it up in times of trouble or while I am doing a Bible study?
"Stay in the word so you can recognize His voice, then listen closely to what he is saying deep within you."
Being a stay at home mom with two boys sometimes it is hard to focus on self. I think that this has been a great week for me to realize that he does want me to focus on myself and what he is doing deep within me. This week when she focused deeply on prayer I had to ask myself, "How have I been praying for myself?" My focus is on people and circumstance and not to spirit within me. I love these studies on characters in the bible and I see how God uses them in a small way for his bigger purpose. This is my prayer for my life today. I want God to use me even if it is in a small way for his big purpose. I kept hearing about Psalm 131 ministry so I took a minute to look them up one day.
The link above is the everyday section where you can select a topic such as marriage or parenting. These are two areas that I would like to focus more on in my life. I would like to create a weekly prayer list for these areas. I need help. On the right hand side of all the topics there are resources to help you. In books past that I have read they point you right to the scripture on these topics. I also find it helpful to find someone else to do these along side me to help my accountability to get them done. I hope to move forward in this way for much longer.
Worship Video ~
pg 181
She speaks on dual referencing the scripture. This has been a great help to me to listen closely to these stories in the bible and see the applications that God has for me. She is right we are so blessed to have the Bible to give us step by step instructions in how we need to live our lives. But why is it I only pick it up in times of trouble or while I am doing a Bible study?
"Stay in the word so you can recognize His voice, then listen closely to what he is saying deep within you."
Being a stay at home mom with two boys sometimes it is hard to focus on self. I think that this has been a great week for me to realize that he does want me to focus on myself and what he is doing deep within me. This week when she focused deeply on prayer I had to ask myself, "How have I been praying for myself?" My focus is on people and circumstance and not to spirit within me. I love these studies on characters in the bible and I see how God uses them in a small way for his bigger purpose. This is my prayer for my life today. I want God to use me even if it is in a small way for his big purpose. I kept hearing about Psalm 131 ministry so I took a minute to look them up one day.
The link above is the everyday section where you can select a topic such as marriage or parenting. These are two areas that I would like to focus more on in my life. I would like to create a weekly prayer list for these areas. I need help. On the right hand side of all the topics there are resources to help you. In books past that I have read they point you right to the scripture on these topics. I also find it helpful to find someone else to do these along side me to help my accountability to get them done. I hope to move forward in this way for much longer.
Worship Video ~
Beth Moore ~ Daniel Week 8
In session 8: Foreshadowing the Little Horn, Beth shows how the prophecy in Daniel chapter 8 includes both what is now past history and Israel's future experiences under Antichrist. The passage points to an Antichrist who will become very strong but not by his own power, take his stand against the Prince of princes, and will be destroyed, but not by human power (Daniel 8:23-25) Click here to purchase and download the session video for week 8: http://www.lifeway.com/product/005035488/ pg. 168 "Remember, we are viewing Daniel 8 as God's way of telling us about the former to help us better picture the latter. In session 8, we referred to this teaching method as "dual referencing". This statement really sparked a question to myself, "Dual referencing is how we read the bible and apply God's words to our lives, right?" Beth Moore did a great job of showing us how this application of the bible applies to the new and the old testament. Then I start to realize that this is how I mentally apply God's directions for my life in my daily activities. When I face trials I need to reference the bible to see the applications that he has for me in his word. This week also helped me see that what his will is in the end times. How we are suppose to encourage one another and lift each other up in trials. This really hit home for me and that I need to increase my commitment to prayer for my sisters. Music Video for worship~ Life is Sweeter ~ on the other side. I thought this was a good one since our study is showing us what is going to happen in the end:)
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