Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Introduction and Principle #1

Here we go!
Worship Song~ HOLD ME

Chapter One
pg. 10 "You are absolutely essential in your home and in the lives of your kids. Your job has more than monetary value: it has eternal worth!"
Wow! When I was going to school I wanted a job just like this! But my view was alot different. I would have the nice car, home, husband, nanny, and big office. I would mean alot to alot of people. Well boy has all this changed. I got to that career and realized that it really did not matter. Guess what? The bank will open with or without Imogene Noe. Little did I know that the job that would have eternal worth would be filled with one of daily self sacrifice. Not to mention all the dirty diapers and daily beat downs of being a mom. But boy is this when God lifts me up, HOLDS ME, and shows me that he can do all things through me that really matter to him.

Share the Do on pg. 16 (please comment on one thing that is on your card)
Imogene ~ "To TRUST in Christ to do all things through me." I can not tell you how many times during one day I close my eyes and think, "God you have something for me here, right here, and I am not seeing it. Please show me so I can get through this."

Chapter Two
pg. 23 "..build on your strengths"
Imogene~ I took the spiritual gift test that you can find here. This helped me to realize that I am not all things to all people, BUT I can be something to a few people and be good at it.

pg. 29 "God's Holy Spirit is our power source.."
Imogene~ I need to spend time with him daily to really see him and see his provisions in my life. This is when I feel my real purpose.

Chapter Three
pg. 42 "by praising our Holy Father"
Imogene~ Just last year I made a worship song part of my quiet time and I really feel that this is my thanksgiving to him daily. When I am having a hard time and facing doubt I go to him in worship and this is when I hear him and his verses that he has for me for this exact situation. But how can I hear if I do not submit to him?

I did write down the accolades for my family. I made a point to say the first one to my husband. He looked at me and said, "What?" Wow, this shows you how much work I have to do to let my husband know what I love about him. He is so stressed at work and when he comes home we are his peaceful place. I guess I need to think of this more and make an effort to make him feel loved, like Christ loves me.

Chapter Four
My sister plays this game with her family where they list out blessings that people are to their lives. This makes the kids focus on the good in the family and not the bad. After reading this chapter and having two boys under four, I will be playing this game tonight:)

pg. 72 Story about Karol ~
I realize that my husband desires for me to happy. He goes to work to provide for our family and shows us love in his love language. I need to accept, appreciate, and realize that this is how God made him. A couple of months ago I was at a Mentor Night and we realized that if we go to our maker with all our problems before our hubbies come home we are less likely to do the emotional dump on our husbands. It really has made a difference in my personal life. We focus on the goodness in the day and then address the couple of items that need to be discussed.

I am so glad that I made the commitment to finish these chapters. I know that it is a struggle for us all. But awesome to see three take aways from these chapters that will daily help me stay on the positive side of being a mom.

Serving Him,

From Melissa~
After reading the introduction through Principle #1, I am so excited to see what God has planned for us! God is already speaking to my heart through His Word and this book. I truly want to not only hear what God has to say to me, but I want to do what He has called me to do.
In chapter 1 (p.11), I was reminded of just who my employer is. I am quick to quote Colossians 3:17 to my kids, but this was all up in my face about me...Who am I working for? I had forgotten this in the day to day struggles of caring for my family.
On page 22, she talks about "neither circumstances nor people are ever perfect". The bottom line is that I am a perfectionist, but "is my vision realistic or just a glorified picture of what we think we ought to be?" What are my expectations for myself, my husband and my children? To be perfectly honest, I had to stop and repent. (p.27) "Are we taking time to love and enjoy the people God has placed in our care?"...or am I too busy trying to be perfect?(p. 29) Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to be my power source or am I relying on my own self? I tend to try to be my own power source and being the human that I am I usually blow a fuse or burn out!
Priniciple #1: The thing that really spoke to me here is what she has to say about self worth.(p. 38) "Children need to establish in their hearts and minds that their worth is not wrapped up in what they do or what anyone else thinks...rather, it is based on who they are in Christ." This is my prayer for my children...and for myself. I really struggle with the fact that I need to be doing something to have self worth.
Finally (p. 48), Colossians 3:12-15(NIV) says this..."clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience...and over all of these virtues put on love which binds them all together. Key words "clothe yourselves" and "put on". It is a deliberate, intentional action. These things will not just happen because we wish it were so.
I am looking forward to what is in store for us as we seek God's will for us as a Mom!

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